- http://opentsdb.net/index.html
[OpenTSDB Features]
- Scalable, distributed time series database
- https://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb/releases
- Version: opentsdb-2.0.0
or use command
- $ git clone git://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb.git
Installation and Start Up
- Reference:
- http://opentsdb.net/docs/build/html/installation.html
1. Requirement Install:
-A Linux system
-Java Development Kit 1.6 or later
-GnuPlot 4.2 or later
-An Internet connection
2. Install openTSDB:
- $sh opentsdb-2.0.0/build.sh
(If compilation was successfuly, there is a tsdb jarfile in ./build along with a tsdb script)
- $cd build
- $make install or $ ./build.sh
If error shows as:
|+ ./bootstrap
|exec: 17: autoreconf: not found
install dh-autoreconf:
$ sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf
3. Start openTSDB:
1. In src/opentsdb.conf, modify:
tsd.network.port = 8099
tsd.storage.hbase.zk_quorum =
tsd.http.staticroot = /home/hduser/opentsdb/build/staticroot
tsd.http.cachedir = /home/hduser/opentsdb/cachedir/
2. Create Table in HBase:(Must execute the command line at the server which install HBase)
- $ env COMPRESSION=NONE HBASE_HOME=/usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.98.5-hadoop2/ src/create_table.sh
3. Start:
- $ build/tsdb tsd --config src/opentsdb.conf
- TSD's web interface: (port is set in "tsd.network.port" )
4. Test openTSDB with simple collector
1. Register metrics at tsdb_uid of HBase
- $ tsdb mkmetric <metric_string1> <metric_string2> ... <metric_stringN>
ex: (Create two metric, "proc.loadavg.1m", "proc.loadavg.5m")
$ tsdb mkmetric proc.loadavg.1m proc.loadavg.5m
2. Test Collector: Get server avg load and show at TSD web UI
- http://www.slideshare.net/thecupoflife/opentsdb-in-a-real-enviroment
- http://zhengbin.blog.51cto.com/2989505/1273330
- http://opentsdb.net/docs/build/html/user_guide/quickstart.html (about mysql)
1. Create a collector file (Collect local machine info "loadavg")
- loadavg-collector.sh
set -e
while true;
do awk -v now=`date +%s` -v host=`hostname` \
'{ print "put proc.loadavg.1m " now " " $1" host=" host;
print "put proc.loadavg.5m " now " " $2 " host=" host }' /proc/loadavg
sleep 15
done | nc -w 30 8079
- "set -e" --> causes the shell to exit if any subcommand or pipeline returns a non-zero status
- "awk '{print $1 $2}' /proc/loadavg" --> print out column 1 and 2 all value in /proc/loadavg
- "now=`date +%s` -v host=`hostname`" --> create variables
- "nc -w 30 8079" --> connecte to "tsdb_host port"
- "|" --> linux commnd for let two cmds could execute at same time (?)
2. Run the collector
- $ chmod +x loadavg-collector.sh
- $ sh loadavg-collector.sh (or $ nohup loadavg-collector.sh --> this will output info to nohup.out)
3. Open TSD web UI (
- Setup the time line (ex: From 2014/09/24 To now)
- Metric: proc.loadavg.1m
The result diagram will show out, and you can use mouse to select a scope of diagram to show.
- "Request failed: Bad Request: No such name for 'metrics': 'tsd.'"
- [Solution]
- Think
Says: There are 2 cases under which the above error happens.
1. collector is not running, so no metrics are pushed to tsdb
2. there is no any web application running in cloudfoundry, so no "frameworks" metrics are pushed to tsdb
- Do
check whether the collectors on monitored hosts are running?
* Start tcollector on hosts
- http://opentsdb.net/docs/build/html/user_guide/utilities/tcollector.html#installation-of-tcollector
- http://books.google.com.tw/books?id=i5IFvlnfqi8C&pg=PA139&lpg=PA139&dq=opentsdb+monitor+hbase+table&source=bl&ots=kOpk1mpmCx&sig=0LsJOVd22zu2-SAM14CUhgMecMo&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ei=U14iVPOIOMy48gWuuILQAw&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=tcollector&f=false
[!] collector is set up on the host which we need to monitor.(Not Hbase system)
[!] it may right tmp data (to file in /proc/)