2014年10月1日 星期三

Eclipse Submit Job from Hadoop Client to remote Hadoop Master

    Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Luna Release (4.4.0)
If you want to submit job from local side to remote Hadoop server through runngin java application on eclipse directly without send jar file to Hadoop server(ex. eclipce on and Hadoop master on 

1. Point to the jar file which will be create by the following step
add following code to your which set conf. to point to the jar file which will be create by the following step

conf.set("mapred.jar", "/home/hdp2/workspace/HBaseGet/HbaseGet_v3.jar");


The "/home/hdp2/workspace/HBaseGet/HbaseGet_v3.jar" is the jar file location at local side

If you don't do this step, Eclipse may occur following error:
... Class org.apache....  Map not found ...

2. Set yarn master locaiton
 add following to " yarn-site.xml "

3. Set Configuration for Client Side
 Select "Run Configuration" > "Classpath" > "Advanced" > "Add External Folder"  > Select the Hadoop and HBase conf folder(ex. $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop and $HBASE_HOME/conf)

Conf settings in Both Hadoop and HBase conf folder MUST be consistent  with the conf in the Hadoop and HBase master!!
# Simple method is copy the conf folder from  master to local

Because the Eclipse is running locally without the correct server configurations,
so if you don't do this step, it will occur following errors:
[Error 1]
Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
[Error 2]
"eclipse"  ... Retrying connect to server: ....

4. Export Jar File
"File" > "Export..." > "Java" > "JAR file" > select resource to export > "Finish"

5. Run Application
"Run Configuration" > Set "Arguments" > "Run"

(6. Staging problem ( Multiple users in Hadoop )
If you are the Hadoop client not master(ex. client_username="hdp2", Hadoop_username="hduser"), it may occur error when execute app like:

2012-10-09 10:06:31,233 ERROR org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:root cause:org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: Permission denied: user=root, access=READ_EXECUTE, inode=”system”:mapred:supergroup:rwx——

1. Create a new user(hdp2) at Hadoop master server
$sudo adduser hdp2

2. Create a user for client on HDFS
$hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/hdp2

3. Using new username(hdp2) to login Hadoop Master server, and execute any example jar(such as WordCount)
It will create the staging folder of new user in HDFS/tmp/
(Don't know why......)
4. Change priority
$hdfs dfs –chown –R hdp2:hadoop /tmp/hadoop-yarn/staging/hdp2/
$hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /tmp/

